Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Depositions of Robo-Signers appear on YouTube

A Florida foreclosure defense attorney, Christopher Forrest, posted the depositions of three robo-signers  on youtube.  This footage gives a rare but very real glimpse into the shady world of robo-signing and how their work is carried out.  Three robo-signers, Crystal Moore, Bryan Bly and Dhurata Doko are questioned about their work for lending servicer National Title Clearing (NTC).  Some of the answers to questions are appalling and makes you scratch your head.  For example, one of the answer Ms. Doko, a former hotel maid, gave was "i don't usually read the docs i sign." "I just look for my name and sign."  She and her colleagues signed thousands of mortgage documents a day.  Whats even more disturbing is that they did not know basic mortgage terms or what documents they were signing.  They did not know what an "assignment of mortgage" was, a crucial document in foreclosure proving who the holder of the note is.  When asked if she was a vice president of the company as stated in the document she signed, she answers "I dont pay attention to that." When asked if she signs as vice president of the company or as a witness, she answers "I just sign my name." 
Banks have seized about 900,000 homes through the first 10 months of 2010 and are on pace to foreclose on more than a million homes by the end of the year.  Judges will have the ultimate say over the process and how these cases play out in court.  Some judges throughout the country are questioning the validity of the documents that lenders are presenting in court to prove their case.  With that being said, stay tuned for more as we uncover what is happening during the foreclosure process/crisis in the United States.

See the depositions here:


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